5- Andalusia Dream ..

Don Quixote in Puerto Lapice - La Mancha

As the night approach, and time for a sleep. Waiting for a wonderful dream to explore the wonders of Andalusia, with its historical cities: Cordoba the intimate, Seville the majestic and Granada the spectacular.
Trying to sleep, but couldn't close my eyes. So I decide to explore some of Andalusia historical moments on the internet.
As I found out from the map, that we will go out tomorrow from Madrid, passing through Castillo della Mancha. A region in the south and east of Madrid. The dreamland novel of "Don Quixote" from the 17th century, written by Miguel de Cervantes.
So with a happy smile, I decide to close my eyes even if I need time to go deeply in sleep. Let my thinking going for a Knight on his white horse, running through the valleys of the Mancha to fight some imaginary giants.
The Ingenious Nobleman Mister Quixote of La Mancha, is considered the most influential work of literature from the Spanish Golden Age.

- to be continued: Next Story "Road to Dreamland" -

Windmills of Castello della Mancha

La Plaza Mayor de Puerto Lapice


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